It’s common to hear folks commiserating about the heat these days, but there is a lot to be said for summer. It means picnics in the backyard or balmy evenings outside, tipping our heads back for a view of the stars. It means family traditions, like an evening out to Hammonassett to watch the sunset.

It was Rachel’s first time at the beach, so Aunt N’gella and Aunt Elizabeth were coaxing her to get close to the water’s edge. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the waves.

Once she was splashing in the water, she was loving it.

The guys went and did some fishing.

It was a peaceful sunset that evening.

Summer brings the annual Bennett family gathering, a bit smaller this year, but it was good to see everyone and be together.

Nothing quite like good ol’ fun-filled conversations with cousins. 🙂

Rachel enjoyed watching the wiffleball game from the porch.

Catching up with our cousin, Becky.

Summer can be a bit of a slower paced season, allowing for time to travel and visit friends. A few of us spent a refreshing weekend with the Bosnyak family, swimming in a pond, playing with kittens, singing and fellowshipping with each other.

We enjoyed fun times of games, like Dutch Blitz!

We picked blueberries from their bushes.

Hiked to the top of a nearby hill.

Had a selfie competition.

Roasted hotdogs and s’mores over a campfire.

Swam in a pond and paddled around in an old shell of a jacuzzi.

And held some adorable kittens!

It was an enjoyable visit all together!