November blew in on a blast of cold air, giving voters a chilly experience on Election Day and turning campaigning candidates into walking sticks of ice. The first Tuesday in November holds a place of prominence in our home and has for a long time. Every year we work the polls in our town and this year Susanna and Mom pitched in at the Town Clerk’s office to help process the thousands of absentee ballot applications flocking Town Hall. The ladies in the office formed a hard-working, efficient team that gave every inch of themselves to the job.

This year we had five moderators in our family overseeing the polling places in their charge. The blue bins hold the moderator books and papers. All ready for the big day!

Carolyn moderated the process of counting the absentee ballots. She handled the long hours and constant mental agility with professionalism. After we closed the polls and checked in at town hall, we pitched in and helped her wrap up the day, heading home after midnight!

We unwound from Election Day with outdoor work and excursions along the walking trail to enjoy the lingering colors of fall. And of course, we got in a football game or two.

Other highlights from our fall were volunteering at W.I.H.S Radio Faith Sharing. We were impromptu guests on air when one of the scheduled musicians called to say he was under the weather and unable to come. With some hymnals we had stashed in the van, we whipped together a ladies’ quartet, grateful for the three hour notice in advance!

We also enjoyed a town sponsored parade for two local World War II veterans, both turning 100 years old. Almost the entire Cheshire police force turned out in style to lead the stream of cars and army trucks decorated with flags and flashing lights. We found a spot along the parade route and nearly cheered ourselves hoarse as they drove by.

We welcomed an early snow that dusted the ground and layered every tree branch with a topping of white. Rachel loved her first time experience of playing in a winter wonderland, tumbling in the snowy grass and leaving tiny footprints behind her.

The sweetest highlight of our fall is this little bundle of joy! Naomi Rose made her entrance into the world on November 2nd and she is a delight. Aunt Lydia enjoyed taking photos of the family of four.

Thanksgiving Day had a new twist to it. We did not get together with the extended Bennett family as we do every year, but our own small gathering had all the homey traditional flavor of Thanksgiving at Uncle Rick’s. We made the same dishes, dressed up for the meal and went out to play a fast paced game of football. We followed it up with the Bennett tradition of homemade pie. Our day was festive and sweet and we relished the time we spent together.

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”
(Psalm 100:4-5)

Looks like an awesome month!