We enjoyed a snowy winter this year with storms rolling in every week and frigid temps freezing the local ponds and lakes into solid ice. Some of us took advantage of a snowbound day at home to trudge through the wind and snow to a small pond nearby and clear the ice. Skating in a natural setting is always enjoyable, but skating in a natural setting during a snowstorm is a fun adventure too! Daniel and Michael enjoyed speeding around the rink and then taking an airborne leap into the deep, powdery drifts along the edge. And with so much snow on the ground this winter, Daniel and Michael made sure to get in a battle of snow forts and snowballs in the yard.

We celebrated Mom’s birthday in February. One sunny afternoon, we took a rare mother-daughter stroll on the bike trail and enjoyed a quiet time together, observing nature around us and chatting all along the way. As the days got longer and the air sometimes warmer, we ventured out into the great outdoors a bit more frequently. Lydia and Michael hiked up to Castle Craig in Meriden, a first for both of them, with Michael acting as trail guide. At the top they relished the clear open view of the valley and made sure to get in a couple photos with the castle, which is not only a famous local landmark but a distinct part of our childhood.

It didn’t take long after entering March for the signs of spring to start popping out around us. Whoever first claimed robins are the first sign of spring must not have had snowdrops! They are the first bit of green and white to show their faces after a long winter, followed closely by the purple crocuses. We watched the yard turn from frozen turf to squelching mud. Ah yes, spring is on its way!

One fun highlight from March was attending a basketball game at Central Baptist Church in Southington. They planned an impromptu match of college staff vs. college students and since Matthew would be playing on the staff team, we couldn’t bypass the chance to go watch the game and cheer him on. Carolyn painted homemade signs and we were one of the biggest fan clubs to turn out for a single player on the team. And in the end, the staff handily won the game, sailing into the last few seconds of the game with a 10 point lead.

“Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy…Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.” (Psalm 33:18, 20)