July 28th marked Dad & Mom’s 40th wedding anniversary, and we siblings planned a surprise family formal dinner for the following weekend.
We divided tasks up amongst ourselves and everyone had a job to do to prepare for a successful evening.
Preparations began on Friday, with work in the yard…

And in the kitchen!

Then on Saturday, Dad and Mom had a funeral to attend in Rhode Island, which left us to prepare the rest of the food, setup and decorate the yard while they were gone. They had no clue what we were up to!
Jonathan and Lydia created the area for the dinner, and Julianna lent a hand with her skills in art for some signs that Lydia wanted to include in the decorations. Ruby is traditionally the gemstone for the 40th anniversary, so we used lots of red to decorate.

And finally, we were ready! There was a possibility of severe thunderstorms, but the Lord was gracious and held them off.


It’s hard to believe Rachel is a month old already! She is so precious.

Joel made delicious appetizers

Susanna and Carolyn did a fine job in making a tasty, elegant main course!

Then for some games! Matthew and N’gella were in charge of planning the activities.
We played garden party games like giant tic-tac-toe and a game where we had to try to feel and identify what items were in paper lunch bags.

Our friends Keith and Rosanne were able to join us – they’ve been friends with Dad and Mom since before they were married so we have known them all our lives.

Dessert was home-made chocolate covered donuts with ice cream!

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.”
(Matthew 6:33)
-the challenge at Dad & Mom’s wedding