Imagine waking up in the early morning to the warm homespun scent of applesauce and cinnamon in the air. Thanks to a friend, we have been enjoying that experience more than once! Early fall in New England is synonymous with apple picking and apple pie and when our friend invited us to help ourselves to her heavily loaded apple tree, we jumped at the opportunity. Daniel, Lydia and Carolyn drove over on a drizzly afternoon with baskets and picking poles and came back with 150 pounds of fruit. For the past three weeks we have been peeling and coring, baking and boiling and loading our shelves with shiny jars of canned apple butter and applesauce. With our crockpot of apples simmering in the kitchen overnight and the dehydrator turning wedges into chewy fruit snacks, our home has been a haven of cinnamon and spice.

Our family enjoyed two ministry opportunities this month with a full family concert at Jacob’s Well Coffehouse in Vernon, CT and a lakeside church service with our friends at Christian Life Chapel in Colchester. With recent rainstorms, the path winding to the lake had softened considerably and our overstuffed van could sink in the mud. We were thankful for lighter weight carts to wheel our instruments and chalk board down to the shore!
“And now, little children, abide in him;
that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence,
and not be ashamed before him at his coming.“
(1 John 2:28)
The apples being canned look yummy!