Spring is here! A blast of snow in early March reminded us not to bank too heavily on the alluring warm weather we had recently enjoyed. The snow lined every tree branch and drooping bush and out in the backyard the boys built a 13 foot snowman, with the aid of a ladder of course.
By mid March we were in full swing writing testimony for public hearings on several bills in our state legislature. We also participated in the first ever March for Life in Hartford. Over 2000 people showed up on a Wednesday morning to rally at the capitol and walk full circle around Bushnell Park. We were so thrilled to be there.
On the home front, Daniel added 5 new grown chickens to our flock. We staged a chicken naming convention one evening and enjoyed a rigorous voting process to decide the titles of our new fluffy friends. This past week the wheelbarrow and rakes were pulled out and some spring gardening projects got under way. Now is the time to trim back the bushes and rake out the beds, before all the leaves appear.
We’ve seen crocus popping up all around our home and the daffodils are beginning to bloom. The robins are here and a pair of Eastern bluebirds seem to have chosen our yard as their new home. Yes, spring is here indeed!
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest,
and cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22)
So…what are the new chickens’ names? Just curious 🙂 Looks like you’re having some wonderful spring weather.
Three favorites are Smudge (for her rather smudgy gray look), Jochebed (our little niece suggested that name!), and Mildred!