We had a full summer with travels to and from West Virginia and up north to Canada, all centered around visiting family. We almost experienced our first Declaration Celebration in the rain, but the storm clouds blew over and the sun dazzled the dripping earth just minutes before we arrived for the event. A brave crowd turned…
Author: Bennett Family Music

Trains, Travels and Treats
It’s berry season! We love watching the ruby colored sweet treats grow on our strawberry plants and we love eating them even more. Strawberry shortcake, here we come! Our latest big adventure, besides successfully growing strawberries, was navigating the train system with Lydia as she traveled down to Virginia to join James and Julianna at…

Welcome Sweet Spring
Thanks to Lydia, our family has been making the most of the great outdoors these days, starting on March 20th when the spring season officially began. She issued a “Spring In Your Step” challenge and each participant committed to walking faithfully every week, even if it were just a mile or two. Some were ambitious…

Winter Snippets
Aside from warding off sniffles and sneezes and wondering if we would ever have snow on the ground this winter, the past couple months have pretty much been a repeat of last year. We hosted our annual Sweethearts Dinner around Valentine’s Day, we decluttered areas of our home, we went for long walks in the…

Summer Joy
Summer is usually a slower paced time of year, but the past few months were a bit of a whirlwind for our family gearing up for a very special wedding day. Our house hummed with the sound of the sewing machine as Susanna adjusted the bridesmaids dresses and our mouths watered at the warm spiced…

Sunny Summertime
July 4th kicked off the summer season for us with our annual Tribute to America concert and the public reading of the Declaration of Independence on the town green. Both events coincided on the weekend so we had a chock full, star spangled couple of days. Have we mentioned we are chicken owners? After lobbying…

A Wedding Way Down South
There’s a certain thrill when the car top carriers are pulled out and strapped to our trusty 15 passenger van, a certain adrenaline when it’s time to stow the suitcases on top. We looked forward to a trip to Texas where six Bennetts would help at the wedding of our friend Esther. The morning of…

A Legacy Worth Having
Proverbs 13:22 says, “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children.” This month we are reflecting on the inheritance our grandfather, Raymond Bennett, Sr. left us twenty years ago. Most people would probably think of money or property as an inheritance to leave your family. But like the apostle Peter in the book…

On This Mother’s Day
Our mother is an artist and a poetic soul. She savors springtime and blossoms pushing up through the mud. She clips branches of lilacs and fills the house with a heavy, sweet smell. She loves sunshine and warm airy days. She is sensitive and genteel and carries herself with dignity. Mom taught us the finer…

April Joy
Have you ever held a little downy ball in your cupped hands and felt the pitterpatter of a chick’s heartbeat against your fingers? We are always amazed at how delicate a little chick can be! Matthew and N’gella added 6 new hens to their flock this year and we enjoyed watching them grow from tiny…